Have you tried on one of our designs lately? Does it
feel like the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
Here at co.co we want to offer you something much more significant than just a shopping experience. We welcome you
to join our family. By acquiring a partnership with us, you can become part of the co.co community.
The partnership gives you exclusive benefits, special offers, and even the opportunity to choose which NGO will receive our annual community donation. How It Works? The amount you pay for the
partnership will be recorded on your behalf, and the purchases you make from there on out will be at a reduced price.
Thanks to the partnership you acquired, you will enjoy additional discounts on regular prices so you earn twice- You participate in a social fashion venture AND you get back the full amount you paid. Plus lifetime discounts, but now your money worth much more!
We offer our membership two levels of partnership
Membership share in the amount of $1000
Get your investment back in our products
Enjoy a lifetime discount of 15% OFF on new items!
Enjoy a lifetime discount of 10%
Get your part in distributed profits
PreOrder & help us produce what You like
Shop Partnership
Membership share in the amount of $3000
Get your investment back in our products
Enjoy a lifetime discount of 25% OFF on new items!
Enjoy a lifetime discount of 10%
Get your part in distributed profits
PreOrder & help us produce what You like
Shop Partnership
Be part of what you wear
Our business model suggests mutually divided ownership between founders, partners and strategic investors, all sharing the same values and operating under the following principles:

We aim to minimize leftovers: We produce in correlation with customers’ demand by offering our collection for pre-order before production with a significant discount.

We get our funding from the customers who, by investing in the business, become partners. They get their investment back in clothing and enjoy a lifetime discount. This way, they turn their purchases into an investment.

Our partners are regularly updated about business activity. Our board of directors has representation for the investors, entrepreneurs, and partners.

Income inequality is a great challenge in our global economy. We are committed to keeping the company relatively equal, with the highest salary being no higher than ten times the lowest.

We invite the community to participate in and initiate cultural events in our local space.

Giving back
Leftovers from previous seasons are sold at special prices. The profits from the old collections are donated in full to an NGO chosen by the partners.
Meet some of Co.Co’s Partners
Want to learn more? Contact us here.
We deeply value our partners and aim to share our profits with them when dividends are distributed (subject to law restrictions).
Due to legal restrictions the partnership model has not yet been fully determined, however any model decided upon will favor the partners.
Meanwhile you can acquire membership and get your immediate ROI in clothing and other fashion items. But most importantly, our partners take part in key decision making processes, and have a vital role in the Co.Co. project.