Riki Chen
“When I was a teacher I loved both the children and the system. But when my own kids were born, it became clear to me that motherhood was my essence and I left the school. Then the kids grew up, and I felt that I need diversification in my life: Opening the showroom gave an answer to this wish. I love aesthetics, I love working from home, and I love communicating with people. I measure the level of closeness with my clients in correspondence to their level of openness, yet often shopping sessions end with a cup of coffee. For me the showroom is more than a shop. It’s a warm and loving place, an inseparable part of the brand and a great privilege for me.”

Judith Hofstater
For the last twenty years she has been working in a marketing department of a medical equipment company, enjoying the business and knowing that the company’s products help people.
“When I cut my job down to eighty percent, I started thinking: What else? Then I saw Co.Co’s advertisement for showrooms and realized that this opportunity comes just at the right time and to the right place. It took about two weeks to open the showroom. The social agenda, the beautiful clothes, and the knowledge that I can be part of these, were all very attractive to me. The income supplement, and the opportunity to meet with charming women were nice bonuses.
For me Co.Co is both a successful fashion start-up and a loving family.”

Miri Alali, Teacher for 32 years, of which 11 years fine art
” I love beauty and aesthetics in every area. In my cooking and baking the look and the taste must fit together.
For me Co.Co is a new family. On the personal level, I find the people behind Co.Co. very charming, and on the professional level, I identify with the values of their unique vision. In my showroom I encourage women to dare and try new combinations that give them a new look. I take much satisfaction from watching them follow my advice.”

Sara Sussman, Librarian for 25 years, design amateur
“For me CO.CO constitutes a winning combination of societal concept with fashion, and of aesthetics with meticulousness. I feel at home in such environment. I am happy to be a partner in a project aimed at women that are interested in clothes that will remain fashionable beyond a passing trend. In my showroom I offer the customer the perfect products in a casual environment, which allows consultation and relaxed shopping in an intimate space.”