For someone who wore bellbottom trousers throughout the seventies, I remember my surprised reaction when I was first introduced to the new trousers, puffed at the top and narrow at the bottom. “These are Baggies” my friend said wearing her pinkish cotton saggers on the court of our high school in Tel Aviv.
Having no school uniforms, the clothes we chose to wear, create and alter, had an impact as powerful as our teen dramas. Our clothes were our ID, our inspiration board, through which we communicated.
With heightened senses, we awaited the uprising of the baggy pants, which immediately became a popular and desired silhouette that accompanied us in the years to come: the eighties, post punk and the new wave.
The innovative pattern back then, of narrow trousers together with pointed shoes, an oversized t-shirt and a heavily lubricated hairstyle. The proportions have changed abruptly: the new silhouette, and the promise for a change that was conveyed through the clothing. And today? Now we can assume that the new generation, who didn’t witness the Saint Tropez trend, not in its original form in the sixties or its later version in the nineties, would be too thrilled about its return next winter.
The new generation will adopt the old silhouette along with new trends. The bellbottoms, a blast from the past, will no longer be a symbol of the rebellious “Flower Power” generation but merely a fashion statement.
And what about us? Those who’ve seen a few fashion trends go by. Even if we’re not open for changes, we can’t avoid the transformation from happening. The change is there, every fraction of a second, every hour and every day. Day changes into night, moods change and yes, so do the pants. Will the oldnew flared trousers push out the skinny cut pants which have invaded and conquered our closets in the recent years? Yes and no. Different styles and trends are set together to meet the different requirements according to taste and needs.
Long live democracy! We are ready for a change because the fashion wheel does not stop spinning, and the time has arrived for the infamous bellbottoms to make their entrance.
A great cut flattering different types of figures, giving the illusion of long legs, blurring the width of the hips and redefining the shape of the body.
Are you ready for a change?

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Meet our Showroomer – Iris Gonen
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חדש בחנותלחנות
Dress | COLETTE | Coffee
Top | CARLI | Mustard
ACTIVE | Tank top | Black
ACTIVE | 3/4 Tights | Blue
ACTIVE | 3/4 Tights | Black
Knitwear | FIREFLY | Gray Silver
Price 111$Now 56$Skirt | ROXANNE | Gray Silver
Price 124$Now 87$